Forex Rates Grid (refer to the picture below) is the main part of the Forex Rates View where users are able to manage and download foreign exchange rates.

Part One: Overview the Forex Rates Grid.

This part will show you the main function of each section.

Section 1: Time Range Filter

First select the Begin and End date then press the Apply button to filter the historical foreign exchange rates within a period.

Section 2:
Group By Panel

Drag a column header here to group by that column.

Section 3: Currency grid

Currency Grid is the main section where users are able to view and download foreign exchange rates.

Section 4: Meaning of Column Headers

Column Headers Basic Function
S-Currency Domestic Currency type or accounting currency type for accounting purposes. Currently IB allows customers to choose different basis currency other than USD.
Currency Settlement Currency for tax purposes
Exchange Date The date of this conversation rate.
Exchange Rate The conversation rate S-Currency/ USD Currency

Part Two: How to find and download foreign exchange rates?

This part will show you how to find and download foreign exchange rates.